Keep your workforce safe and your operations agile.

Adapt to a changing workforce and plan for what’s next. With enterprise planning and workforce management from Workday, you can forecast accurately and safely return to work.



Analytics and reporting manufacturing dashboard

Plan for what’s next.

今天,一个年度计划是不够的。我们看到他们power manufacturers to plan for every scenario so you’re always ready to act.

Increase workforce agility.

The speed of organizational agility is driven by worker skills. Workday helps you to understand workforce capabilities today, identify skill gaps and upskill workers to prepare for the future.


"We needed to do a better job of using data and Workday has particularly strong functionality in data integration, reporting and analysis."

As a global company with horizontal functions, Topcon has pushed HR data out into the business, providing employees with self-service and allowing managers to see and build on the skills at their disposal.

Topcon Video


One system to help manufacturing organizations move fast.


Plan, model, forecast, and adapt in a flash.

See what’s happening with your business and adapt with enterprise-wide, continuous planning.


Build a skilled workforce.

Analyze skills gaps to strategically recruit talent and upskill workers to meet future needs.


Understand and scale your business.

Make sound decisions with a full view of worker, operational, and financial data, and extend Workday to meet your changing needs.

See how we put our customers at the center.

Ready to talk?
Get in touch.